mtcp2 calendar

Promoting the 2015 International Year of Soils, AFA, La Via Campesina, ANFPa and PIFON, with support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), have produced a calendar for the Asia Pacific Farmers’ Forum (also known as MTCP2), copies of which have been distributed to national implementing agencies (NIAs) of the program.

In line with the IYS theme of “Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life,” the calendar emphasizes that “The soil is a living system which sustains humanity. Family farmers keep the soils healthy and fertile through sustainable, agro ecological and organic approaches. Land is life, livelihood and culture. Respect, promote, protect and fulfill the family farmers’ rights to their lands and forests.”

It calls for support to family farmers in Asia and Pacific to help them unleash their potentials for poverty reduction, food sovereignty and nutrition security.

Click here to download a PDF copy of the calendar


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