Hamburg, Germany – The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) attended the annual steering committee of the Land Matrix Initiative (LMI) as the regional focal point in Asia in Hamburg, Germany on 21-24 October 2019. In this annual activity, LMI partners convene to report their progress and formulate their plans and priorities for the following year. For this year’s meeting, training on spatial data, updating of the data variables, and communication materials were added as an additional agenda.

LMI has just entered its third phase making the transition one of the most important topics that were discussed. Other subjects on the agenda are the activities of each regional focal point, actions of the global partners, and the transition of the basket funds to ILC as its holder. In addition to this, the participants planned their priorities for the succeeding year including the coverage of sub-regions that are not previously covered, communication strategy, and products and the progress of the PhD programme.

Moreover, the attendees also discussed the further development of the LMIwebsite focusing on the editor workflow, metadata, investor visualization and additional variable and improvements on the design of the platform; the communication products to be used by each regional focal point and national land observatory, in particular the country profiles; incorporation of spatial data by using the online method within the platform and an offline method using a GIS software. A peer-to-peer learning was also held with the regional focal points to share learning and experiences on data research and analysis, data sourcing, networking and advocacy, and communications. #


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