by Tsai Shu Hui, AFA

Quezon City, Philippines — In pursuit of a more relevant stay in the Philippines and a desire to contribute their talents to the cause of farmers, 2 volunteers from Korea who have been staying in the country the past 6 months decided to join the AFA secretariat as volunteers.

Mr. Seo Sung Il (Johney), a chemical engineering graduate with work experience in marketing and Ms. Lee Sun Mi (Julie), an industrial design graduate with experience in advertising work, will be in-charge of designing AFA’s new logo and improving the design of the AFA website.

“I want to understand something about the farmers’ organizations in Asia. I think it’s a good way to meet more people and learn new things,” says Johney.

Julie has similar expectations about the volunteer work. “I hope to be able to contribute my knowledge and skills for something useful for farmers,” she adds.

The two volunteers will also be deployed to AFA member in the Philippines, PAKISAMA, to help in their website improvement and in designing campaign and marketing materials.

They will be reporting to AFA office from July 28 to September 7 and to PAKISAMA office from September 8 to Oct 16.

(In the photo: Technical Assistant Ms. Shui Tsai gives an AFA orientation to Mr. Seo and Ms. Lee. Photo taken by Mr. Jun Virola, Project Officer.)


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