Iriga City — Secretary General Kazuhiro Yamamoto and Ainou magazine editor Ryoko Tsuboi of Ainoukai, an AFA member organization promoting organic agriculture in Japan, are in the Philippines for a study tour on organic agriculture in PAKISAMA member and partner areas.

They are joined by Dr. Tiuro Miura, Mr. Takaya Machigami, Mr. Santosh Kumar, Mr. A.K. Mishra, and Ms. Manmeet Kaur from the Makino School of Continuing and non-Formal Education (MSCFE) in Allahabad, India, who are also practicing organic agriculture.

The study tour is also joined by AFA, where both Ainoukai and PAKISAMA are members.

The tour started with meetings with PAKISAMA and AFA last December 4 in Manila, where initiatives on SRI and other SA practices were presented.

The study tour group are now traveling in the Bicol region to visit organic farming initiatives of PAKISAMA Bicol, PARAUMA, PECUARIA, FACE, LIKAS, PANGOPOD, among others.

The group will fly back to Manila on Dec 11, and proceed to UP Los Banos and IRRI, before they go back to the AFA and PAKISAMA offices on December 12 for their final meeting and assessment of the study tour.


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