WATER IS LIFE. WUA Federation in Kyrgyzstan is in charge of distribution of water. In 1996 a land reform was carried in accordance with the government program to transfer from common collective farming to individual private farming. Since all water canals became ownerless, the country had to carry out water reform. Thus the Water User Association was established. WUAs took responsibility of repairing, maintaining and operating irrigation structures.

The organization aims to unite WUAs taking irrigation water from one source, to deliver required amount of water at the right time, to properly record water use, to increase confidence of water users, to collect irrigation service fee from water users, and for sustainability.

Expected results of WUA Federation’s programs are sustainability, an organization capable of managing off-farm and on-farm irrigation systems without external support, and support of WUAs through consultations.

According to Ms. Bratashova Irina & Ms. Natalia Manchenko, the federation’s achievements so far include its establishment and current functions, good collection of irrigation service fee from water users, repayment of technical credit for machinery, operation, and maintenance not only on-farm canals but the whole off-farm system including headworks.



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