A list of books on Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development published by AFa partner ERA Consumer Malaysia 1. […]
Sanjay Suri | interpress “The impasse has led to an apprehension that this round of talks that began in Doha […]
Prince Albert, the monarch of Monaco, is not what you would call a farmer in need. But like Queen Elizabeth of Britain, he is among the elite farmers who benefit from billions of dollars in European agricultural subsidies. The royalty of Monaco, a small principality on the Mediterranean Sea, received more than 300,000 dollars last year in subsidies from the European Union to support cereal production on his land in northern France. Others get far higher subsidies. But the prince was on a list of 58 French farmers benefiting from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) released by the World Economy Group (GEM, after its French name), a research centre at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris.
The sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization is scheduled in December 2005, in Hongkong. Agriculture, through the Agreement […]
Results of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Cambodia have consistently proven that small farmers can increase rice production while reducing fertilizer, seed and water inputs. SRI has led to significant yield increases with both traditional and international rice varieties.
The sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization is scheduled in December 2005, in Hongkong. Agriculture, through the Agreement […]
This is the latest listing of events posted in the Hongkong People’s Alliance on WTO website related to the Hongkong […]
Arguing that Hong Kong faces unprecedented security risks during next month's World Trade Organization talks, the government has asked the Legislative Council to give the chief of police sweeping powers to stop protests.
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