RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil – The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) calls on world leaders attending the Rio+20 Summit in Brazil to commit to policies that support sustainable agro-ecology with small scale women and men farmers.

AFA believes that such kind of agriculture will help realize the the future that  small scale women and men farmers want (contained in the association’s vision statement) where they are:

-self-reliant, educated, happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous, and free from hunger and poverty;

-having access to and control over lands and other productive resources, goods and services;

-nurturing their farmlands via appropriate, integrated, and environment-friendly practices and technologies;

-having access to fair markets for their products; and,

-participating  in development processes through politically strong, socially responsive, culturally sensitive and economically viable FOs.

Click here to download AFA’s statement to world leaders at the Rio+20 Summit
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