
AFA elected a new set of Execom officers during its Third General Assembly last March 3, 2008 in Sangnok Resort, Cheonan, South Korea. The election of the new Executive Committee officers of AFA from among its regular member organizations was done in a collegial manner, as AFA has traditionally done in the past two General Assemblies.

The regular members of AFA (FNN from Cambodia, API from Indonesia, PAKISAMA from the Philippines, SORKORPOR from Thailand, KAFF from Korea, and TWADA and TDFA from Taiwan) elected Ms. Sudaporn Sittisathapornkul of SorKorPor as Chairperson, Mr. Sambito of API as Vice-Chairperson, and Mr. Vicente Fabe of PAKISAMA as Treasurer.

As the General Assembly came to its close, Mr. Seo, Jung Eui, former Chairperson of KAFF, thanked all the AFA members for supporting his term as Chairperson of AFA in the last two years and for working hard for the sake of the farmers in their respective countries. He turned over the Chairpersonship to Ms. Sudaporn Sittisathapornkul, who encouraged all the members to continue working together for the sake of the farmers in Asia.

During the General Assembly, AFA also approved its major thrusts and strategies for 2008-2010. The regular membership of FNN and TDFA was also approved.


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