The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) will hold the event entitled “AFA@10: Celebrating Successes, Taking On More Challenges: AFA Regional Consultations and 5th AFA General Assembly” on March 7-9, 2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
It will also be a celebration of the federation’s 10th anniversary.
The general assembly will be hosted by its member Viet Nam Farmers’ Union (VNFU) and will be attended by around 45 representatives from 12 farmer organizations from 10 Asian countries, as well as from partner civil society organizations and inter-government bodies.
During the 3-day event, AFA will hold consultations that aim to (1) come up with recommendations regarding policy measures to support smallholders to participate more in the value chain of organic rice (as a result of industry analysis), with particular emphasis on the needs of women and young farmers; (2) come up with an action plan for the women and youth wing of AFA; (3) discuss and formulate strategies and broad plans regarding Rio+20 processes; and (4) share experiences and lessons learned on FO involvement in processes of GAFSP (Global Agriculture and Food Security Program), as well as the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) campaign.
The general assembly itself aims to (1) review the accomplishments of the past two years – 2010-2011, esp viz the Strategic Plans set for 2011-2015; (2) hear, discuss and adopt the report of the Chairperson regarding the administration and activities of AFA; (3) confirm decisions made by the Executive Committee in between General Assemblies; (4) decide on matters affecting the general interest of its members and stakeholders; (5) approve amendments to the constitution and bylaws of AFA, if necessary; (6) confirm new members of AFA; (7) set the thrusts /focus of AFA for the next two years (in between two GAs); (8) determine the new set of AFA Executive Committee members for 2012-2014; and (9) from among the new Executive Committee members, elect the Chair and Vice Chair as well as appoint/re-appoint the Treasurer and Secretary General.
AFA was launched in May 2002 in Malaysia, after a series of farmer exchange visits in several countries in Asia conducted by its partner NGO AsiaDHRRA.
Today, it has members from Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, with two new members joining from Bangladesh and Nepal.
The federation wishes to celebrate 10 meaningful years of its existence by recalling its achievements, learning from its experiences and facing the opportunities and threats that face small-scale farmers in Asia.
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