June 3 , 2024 , Bonn, Germany – As the Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA) continues to make efforts to raise the voices and perspectives of small scale women, men and young family farmers in consultations and decision-making processes relating to actions to adapt and mitigate climate change in agriculture and food systems, AFA engages in the current dialogues and meetings of the sB60 in Bonn, Germany.

The SB session hosts several mandated events for UNFCCC governing bodies to continue deliberating on certain issues using evidence and information and with assistance from the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA).

AFA’s key messages in this year’s UNFCCC processes such as SB60 in Bonn and upcoming COP29 will focus on that the acknowledgment and recognition of (i) the climate change vulnerabilities of small-scale men, women, and young farmers  (ii) the climate solutions held by small-scale farmers translates to appropriate adaptation support with mitigation benefits and the (iii) need for increased direct climate financing to small scale family farmers through their organizations and cooperatives.

AFA is an accredited organization to UNFCCC processes. In SB60 in Bonn, AFA is represented by its secretary general, Esther Penunia, Toolos Bostonbaev and Jonjon Sarmiento, from Kyrgyzstan and Philippine members, respectively.


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