The EU Delegation to Indonesia/Mission to ASEAN organized a writing and photography workshop on January 29, 2020, at Le Meridien in Jakarta, Indonesia. The workshop aimed to enhance the communication skills of internal Delegation staff and staff of EU-funded projects. The workshop focused on drafting compelling human interest stories and capturing effective photographs of project achievements.

Paul Forster, Team Leader for Cooperation and Visibility for the EU Cooperation Project, conducted a session on writing clear and impactful stories. Participants engaged in activities to identify and improve poorly written sections of different stories. For the photography segment, a renowned Indonesian photographer provided insightful training on taking high-quality photos in the field.

AFA Communication and Visibility Officer Irish Dominado attended the workshop to enhance her skills in writing stories and taking photos to meet the requirements for contributions to EU publications. As AFOSP is an EU-funded project, AFA contributes to several EU publications, including the annual EU-ASEAN Blue Book and the EU newsletter.

The EU Delegation to Indonesia/Mission to ASEAN plans to conduct similar training courses and workshops in the future. #


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