On February 18, 2021, the 3rd Communication Workshop for EU-Funded Projects was held, focusing on “Social Media for Effective Project Communications.” The workshop brought together various organizations involved in EU-funded projects and experts in the field to share and discuss their experiences, tips, and lessons learned in managing social media accounts.
Irish Dominado, AFA Communication and Visibility Officer, presented the best practices and lessons learned from managing the social media accounts of AFOSP. AFOSP, funded by the EU and implemented by the consortium of the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC), served as a key case study in the workshop.
The workshop is designed to provide staff of EU-funded projects with practical tools and tips to support project’s communication teams in communicating their projects to the target audience.
View the presentations:
Narrative writing for Social Media Platforms
Narrative Writing for Social Media
Venerdi Handoyo
ACB’s Social Media Experience
Dominique Tabora
BCAMP Communications Specialist of ASEAN Center for Biodiversity (ACB)
Social Media Content
Visual Design for Social Media
Fajri Ma’rifatullah
Powerpoint Graphic Designer
AHA Centre’s Social Media: Lessons Learned
Moch Syifa Masduqi
Communications Officer
Social Media Analytics
Devour Duplicate Distribute: The art of attention
Dain Walker
Brand Strategist
AFOSP Social Media Good Practices
Irish Dominado
Communication and Visibility Officer, Asian Farmers’ Association
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