Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API)
Location: Jl Kelapa Merah No. 2 RT 15/02 Utan Kayu Selatan, Matraman, East Jakarta 13120, Indonesia
Contact Person: Muhammad Nuruddin, Secretary General
Phone/Fax: 62-21 8567935
Mobile: 62-813 3434 4808
Established in 2003, the Aliansi Petani Indonesia (Indonesian Farmers Alliance) has members from local farmer organizations in 14 provinces in Indonesia. It envisions farming communities of men, women, and youth that can be happy as well as free from starvation and structural poverty, living in justice and prosperity, developing its agricultural tradition and culture, and where farmer households have access and control over land, seeds, water, livestock, and sustainable value chain. It aims to empower its members through education and economic, political, social, and cultural strengthening of farmers; struggle for equitable land ownership of farmers; fight for the protection of the law and the rights of farmers, especially access to production tools; strengthening the solidarity between farmers organizations and building a collective strength among sectors for the realization of genuine agrarian reform and rural development with justice.
Date of membership in AFA: May 1, 2002
Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka (PAKISAMA)
Location: Room 207 Partnership Center, 59 C. Salvador Street, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108, Philippines
Contact Person: Herminio Agsaluna, President / Raul Socrates Banzuela
Phone: +632 4342079
Mobile: 0912 5066568
Established in 1986, the Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka envisions the creation of humane, gender-sensitive, and environmentally-sound rural societies where peoples control and own the basic means of production and exchange; critically and actively participate in governance; protect and care for the environment; and live the values of authentic humanism in a Philippine society characterized by justice, freedom, democracy, and national sovereignty. Its mission is to empower the Filipino peasantry by building a strong and credible national peasant federation that leads in the advocacy for and implementation of genuine and sustainable agrarian and aquatic reform and rural development, and equality of men and women. It has 62 member organizations representing around 20,000 individual farmers. Its programs and services include training on sustainable agriculture and aquatic development, organic rice marketing, policy advocacy on asset reform implementation and good governance, and gender and organizational development.
Date of membership in AFA: May 1, 2002
Korean Advanced Farmers’ Federation (KAFF)
Location: KAFF Bldg 2nd Floor, 71, Garak-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Phone: 001-82-2-3401-6543
Fax: 001-82-2-3401-6549
E-mail: | hotfox14@hanmail.netWebsite:
Established in December 1987, the Korean Advanced Farmers’ Federation (KAFF) has around 176 member organizations and 130,000 individual members. It is dedicated to farmer care and upbringing and supports farmers through education and lobbying for favorable government policies. It works towards improving the situation of rural communities in the country. It carries out activities such as nationwide protests against free trade agreements and for a higher price of rice, a campaign to reform the national agricultural cooperative federation, annual Lee Kyung Hae commemoration, and marathon, operation of a center to provide legal and financial services to farmers, the conduct of a general assembly every two years, operation of a farmers’ education center, rural communities exchange program to teach the youth about the importance of agriculture, and networking with other agricultural organizations in Asia.
Date of membership in AFA: February 14, 2004
Taiwan Wax Apple Development Association (TWADA)
Location: No.131, Xiabu Rd., Donggang Township, Pingtung County 928, Taiwan
Phone: +886-935402583
Fax: +886-8-8331132
E-mail: |
Formed in 1999, the Taiwan Wax Apple Development Association (TWADA) has around 270 members. It aims to promote cultivation and management techniques for wax apple, develop marketing channels for domestic and export markets, promote integrated development and culture for the wax apple industry, and help raise the wax apple farmers’ incomes. Its activities include the promotion of organic planting methods for wax apple, increasing international markets, and communications, and participation in international organizations. Some of its members have received various agricultural awards from the government.
Date of membership in AFA: February 14, 2004
Farmer and Nature Net Association (FNN)
Location: #28, St. 1007, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sensok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Contact Person: Sopheap Pan, Executive Director / Khoun Sey, President
Phone: 855-95989708 / 855-78702714
E-mail: /
Number of FO/Primary Cooperative Members: 75
Total Membership: 19,227
Women members: 11,813
Youth members: 3,777
In 1998, rice farmers organized themselves in village-based associations and network with assistance from CEDAC. These associations played an important role in promoting mutual help, solidarity, and cooperation among villagers, as well as coordinating and undertaking collective action in developing ecological agriculture, natural resources management, cooperative business practices, and community development. The activities of the associations are agricultural extension, community-led savings and credit schemes, group marketing, training for young farmers, capacity building for women groups, supports for poorest families, awareness-raising on issues related to conservation of natural resources, advocacy with local authorities, et cetera. The farmers’ associations also played an important role in influencing local development policies and challenging local authorities to be more responsible for community development and natural resources management. The associations are linked together in an independent national network or confederation called “Farmer and Nature Net” (FNN). FNN was established with support from village-based farmers association and CEDAC in December 2003 and officially registered at the Ministry of Interior in 2006. As of June 2017, the membership of FNN is 53,246 individual farmers, 66% of which are female.
FNN aims to promote the economic status of farmers and families and rural community equity and sustainability. The objective of FNN is to link the local Farmer Associations in various provinces in Cambodia and overseas in order to: unite as one force to protect farmers’ rights and interests and to inspire and bring hope to the lives of farmers, promote ecological agriculture movement in the country, promote cooperation in rural society and solidarity among farmers and other stakeholders, support the associations in developing agriculture and managing local natural resources, and nourish cooperation between associations and organizations and relevant institutions inside and outside the country.
FNN is highly committed to strengthening the farmer organization through promoting innovation on ecological agriculture, community business market, saving-credit, and increase social cooperation.
Date of membership in AFA: April 10, 2005
Taiwan Dairy Farmers’ Association (TDFA)
Address: No. 93-10, Dairy Farmer District, Bawong Village, Liouying Township, Tainan County 736, Taiwan
Phone: 886-6-6222493
Fax: 886-6-6224735
E-mail: |
Established on 21 September 1994, the Taiwan Dairy Farmers’ Association (TDFA) has a membership of around 570 dairy farms all over the country. It aims to strengthen the association of and promote the cooperation among dairy farmers, guarantee the legal benefits and dignity for dairy farmers as well as maintain the needs of the society, facilitate the information channel and feeding technology for dairy farmers, and build up a sustainable development environment for the dairy industry. It helps members solve their production and marketing problems, collects product information, carries out government plans, publishes proceedings & monthly news, jointly purchases goods, materials, and equipment, and facilitates members’ communication.
Date of membership in AFA: May 3, 2008
Address: 690-1 Befu Igashi Mie-ken, Japan 518-0221
Phone: 81-595-52-0108
Ainoukai was formed in 1945 to help construct ideal rural villages where love and peace prevail. It has around 300 members, 100 supporters, and 700 magazine subscribers who believe that the conservation and sound development of agriculture is indispensable to the attainment of world peace. It conducts a course on organic farming, acts as a certification body for the Japanese JAS organic agriculture food standard, conducts training program in forestry and agriculture technology based on the Ainou spirit, publishes a monthly newsletter, organizes an international exchange program, and supports Ainou Agricultural High School, which is established to teach organic farming. The establishment of the school is Ainoukai’s biggest accomplishment in its 70 years of existence. After 51 years since it started, Ainou Agricultural High School is still sending young farmers and young people with good spirits out into society.
Date of membership in AFA: April 23, 2010
Women Advanced Farmers’ Federation (WAFF)
Location: KAFF Bldg 6th Floor, 71, Garak-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Phone: 82-2-3401-9204
Fax: 82-2-3401-9208
Established in August 1996, WAFF is a federation of 70,000 women farmers in South Korea. It envisions the unity, harmony, and development of women farmers. It provides education services; organizes exchanges between city and farm villages; upholds the protection of farmers’ rights; cooperates with other farmer organizations; advocates for good agricultural policies; and administers the needs of its members. Besides, WAFF received the top prize for its business academy educational program from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 2005.
Date of membership in AFA: April 23, 2010
Kendrio Krishok Moitree (KKM)
Location: College Road, Usman Pur, Ghiraghat, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Contact Person: Ala Uddin, Central Committee Member
Phone: +88 01718-628302
The Kendrio Krishok Moitree was founded in 2009 as an outcome of a project called “Food Security for Sustainable Household Livelihood” (FOSHOL) funded by the European Commission (EC) and Action Aid Bangladesh (AAB) for the period of 2005-2009 in 7 districts of Bangladesh. The main objective of the project was to provide food security support/ assistance to 21556 poor households dependent on agriculture. KKM is continuously supported by AAB.
KKM is a membership-based organization and a union-based federation of farmers group. It is comprised of 31 union federation of 837 village level (krishok deal) farmers groups under 10 upazilas of 7 districts. KKM is comprised of 90 elected members of 31 union federations. At the village level, the membership is comprised of 25 to 40 farmers. KKM has taken initiatives to form a national forum of farmers called “Sara Bangle Krishok Jote” (All Bengal Farmers Forum). KKM is a member of the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), through which KKM was associated with 17 Asian-based organizations. KKM has linkages with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI), Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Bangladesh Agriculture Department Corporation (BADC), Action Aid Bangladesh, and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). As of 2009, the membership of KKM is 21556, among them 40% are women. KKM applied for registration for a joint-stock company at the central level and also from cooperatives at upazila level.
KKM aims to materialize the rights of deprived and marginalized farmers, ensure food security, materialize the dignity and recognition of women farmers, sustainable livelihood, pro-farmers policies, and work for dignity and well-being in the life of farmers through strengthening the organization of farmers and also by forming a national coalition of farmers in Bangladesh.
KKM has addressed issues including food sovereignty and food security, pro-farmer’s national policy, recognition and dignity of women farmers, regenerative/sustainable agriculture, social justice, strong farmers organization, and formation of national farmers forum. Among KKM’s activities are production and distribution of quality seeds, establishing seed bank by farmers, pre and post-budget discussion in a view to formulating pro-farmers policies, women leadership development to achieve recognition and dignity of women farmers, practicing natural or regenerative agriculture, social justice and formation of farmers’ organization and forum.
KKM’s achievements include: increased women farmers leadership and visibility, received recognition from BADC to provide seed certificate of grading of the seed company, popularized organic agriculture among the farming communities in working areas, contributing to quality seeds production and distribution in working areas, and successful in terms of profitability and sustainability in quality rice seed ‘production and distribution.
Date of membership in AFA: March 9, 2012
National Land Rights Forum (NLRF)
Location: Bharatpur Municipality-1, Thimaha, Chitwan, Nepal
Contact Person: Saraswati Subba, Chairperson
Phone: +977-1-6914586 / 9841877301
E-mail: /
The National Land Right Forum (NLRF) is a land-poor people’s organization established in 2004 and was duly registered under the National Directive Act 1961 in Kathmandu. Now it is also registered at National Farmers’ Commission, Nepal in 2015.
NLRF wishes all farmers to be self-reliant through sustainable use of land, thus explains its unwavering journey to provide secured housing and ownership of agricultural land. NLRF has set out certain values and ethics which it follows. It further believes that land rights’ social movement must be peaceful, non-violent, and creative. It expects every member, frontline leaders, and activists to come up with new and creative tasks.
The vision of the forum is a self-reliant farmer community and the mission is to empower the landless people to claim what is due them. It has a central committee of 27, 7 provincial committees, 60 district committees, 153 rural/municipal level committees, and 86,436 individual members.
Date of membership in AFA: March 9, 2012
Agriculture and Farmers Federation of Myanmar (AFFM)
Address: No.384, Corner of Jasmine Lane and Konbuaung Street, East Dagon, Yangon Region, Myanmar
Contact Person: Thae Wint / Ti Chia Pan
Phone: 95250497983
Established in 2011, the Agriculture and Farmers Federation of Myanmar has 600 basic level organizations and around 32,000 individual members in 12 regions/states. It envisions Myanmar farmers with sustainable livelihoods, actively representing their collective interests and fully participating in a just, inclusive, and peaceful society. Its mission is to educate and raise the awareness of agriculture workers on their rights, enhance their skills, and provide legal awareness and protection. Its key strategies are to provide training on the various subjects to develop basic/village-level organizations, township-level organizations, and regional level organizations so that they will have the strength to present themselves within the community. Among its programs are activities are agriculture skills, food security, legal awareness, and gender equality training.
Date of membership in AFA: May 9, 2014
Central Tea Cooperative Federation (CTCF)
Location: Ilam, Nepal
Contact Person: Harka Bahadur Tamang, Chairperson / Rabin Rai
Phone: +977-98027521034 / 9852680492 / 027-521714
E-mail: / /
The Central Tea Cooperative Federation Nepal (CTCF) was established in the year 2010 A.D. and registered in the Department of Cooperatives to address farmers’ needs through tea cooperatives. CTCF is a member-based National apex body of tea farmer’s cooperatives and their District Federations. The Head office of the CTCF is at Ilam and contact office is located in Kathmandu and district offices are in Ilam, Panchtar, Dhankuta, and Therathum.
The vision of CTCF is towards sustainable tea cooperatives and prosperous farmers. CTCF works at the central level to improve the situation of the cooperatives. The goal of CTCF is to assist in developing a social, economic, and cultural federation of tea farmers. CTCF has currently 101 primary cooperatives at the grassroots level and 7,500 member households from Ilam, Panchthar, Dhankuta, Therathum, Jhapa, Morang, Udayapur, Bhojpur Lalitpur, Sankuwasava, Taplejung, Ramechap, and Solukhumbu districts including 5 districts cooperative federations, with more than 7,500 family households associated through their cooperatives.
Date of membership in AFA: May 9, 2014
Farmer and Water Net (FWN)
Location: Chher Teal Village, Kampong Thmar Commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia
Contact Person:
Phone: 855-78 548 642
The Farmer and Water Net or Kasekor Neng Teuk in Khmer is the first national network of Farmers Water User Communities (FWUCs) which is registered in the Ministry of Interior on 6 December 2011. Currently, FWN has 26 members from the provinces of Kampong Thom, Kampong Cham, Banteay Mean Chey, Siem Reap, Kampong Speu, Kandal, Prey Veng, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Chhnang, Battambang, and Pursat. The covering cultivated land of FWN is about 44,000 hectares with 36,000 household members.
The objectives of FWN are to share experiences between FWUC representatives, encourage quality and transparency for scheme management, identify appropriate solutions for operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes, identify support and resources for FWUC, promote the members and the FWUC role to development partners and government, and represent the members’ interests and opinions at the national level.
Date of membership in AFA: May 9, 2014
National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives (NAMAC)
Location: NAMAC BUILDING, Peace Avenue, 18A/1, Ulaanbaatar 49, Mongolia
Contact Person: Eldev-Ochir Lkhagvaa, President / Altantuya Tseden-Ish, Vice-President
Phone: 976-11-458899, 976-11-453535
Facebook: National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives
The National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives (NAMAC) is a self-funded, non-profit organization devoted to creating sustainable and prosperous rural development by strengthening the agricultural cooperatives through training and support. The precursor of NAMAC was founded in 1967 as the Supreme Council of Agricultural Cooperatives, and re-organized by its first General Assembly in January 1992.
As of 2020, NAMAC has 22 branch offices in all provinces and capital city, and 493 member cooperatives which serve a total of 150 000 individual members. NAMAC represents its members at the national and international level, protects their common interests and rights, focuses on capacity building of cooperatives, human resource development, and self-cultivates members. Furthermore, NAMAC motivates activities for the members such as training courses, agricultural advocacy, consultancy services, and links the members with national and international stakeholders, projects, and programs. At the international level, NAMAC actively participates in the implementation of projects in partnership with other organizations and extends its international activities to deliver members’ voices for promoting farmer-led agricultural development. We are currently a member of The East Asian Agricultural Organization Counsel (EAOC), The Cooperative Agricultural Organization (ICAO), The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), and Asian Farmers Association for the Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), and Asian Framers Group Cooperation (AFGC).
Date of membership in AFA: May 9, 2014
National Union of the Water Users Associations of the Kyrgyz Republic (NUWUA)
Address: 4A Toktonalieva Str, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Phone: +996 312 614 732
Fax: +996 312 614 732
The National Union of the Water Users Associations (NUWUA) of the Kyrgyz Republic is a professional, national-level organization of water users association in Kyrgyzstan, promoting the interests of its membership at the national and local levels, protecting their rights, and proposing effective and innovative solutions in response to emerging issues for their development. It envisions itself as an experienced, competent, and reliable partner of the government and WUAs in the sustainable and inclusive development of the agricultural sector, providing high-quality services on integrated water resource management resilient to climate change, preventing conflict, and improving rural livelihoods. Established in 2006, UWUA now has 1365 male and 209 female members from 225 WUAS from all seven provinces of the country.
Date of membership in AFA: May 9, 2014
Lao Farmer Association (LFA)
Location: House#151, unit 10, Phonsinouane village, Sisattanak district, Vientiane capital, Lao PDR
Contact Person: Khammoune Xaymany, Chairperson / Phoutthasinh Phimmachanh, Secretary General
Mobile: +856 030981036 / +856 20 55611716
Facebook: laofarmernetwork
Lao Farmer Association (LFN) is a national farmer organization involving 58 farmer organizations from 13 provinces with over 4,000 individual farmers. The network has been established since 2014 with a vision for a rich and sustainable future for farming families in Laos. The mission of LFN is to create solidarity among Lao farmers and provide services to members that enable them to manage natural resources in an environmentally friendly manner; produce quality products that meet market demands; achieve fair and sustainable returns for their work and improve the well-being of all members of farming families.
Based on a recent independent review in 2020, the greatest strengths and achievements of the network have been participating in national-level policy dialogues, ability to network with other organizations, responsiveness to FO needs via training, the inclusion of women and youth, and improved FO-market linkages for selected groups and products. At the same time, the weaknesses and shortcomings of the network include a centralized structure, led by the Secretariat, lack of a clear strategy for expansion, and a ‘mixed picture’ of results from economic activities.
Date of membership in AFA: August 5, 2016
National Association of Dehkan Farms (NADF)
Location: Tajikistan, Dushanbe City, Tehron Str., 21
Phone: +992 (37)221 – 10-33,227-18-13
Fax: 992(37)227-18-13
E-mail: union_farm@mail.ruWebsite:
Established in 2005, NADF protects the rights and interests of farmers, improves their level of knowledge, conducts awareness-raising activities, seminars, round tables, and conferences, and provides legal, marketing, information, and other services for the development of agriculture and land reform. Its mission is to consolidate farmers and agricultural producers in the country by protecting their rights and promoting the economic interests of the farmer and to promote the efficiency of farmers’ organizations to improve the lives of rural inhabitants by providing quality educational, advisory, and information services, and adapting approaches to local conditions and climate change issues. Its membership consists of more than 10,900 entrepreneurs, individual dekhan farmers, association of dehkan farmers, and other citizens willing to develop the agrarian sector and rural areas.
Date of membership in AFA: August 5, 2016
Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)
Location: SEWA Reception Centre, Opp. Victoria Garden, Bhadra, Ahmedabad-380001, Gujarat, India
Contact Person: Reema Nanavaty, Director / Megha Desai & Chhya Bhavsar, Coordinators
Phone: 91-79-25506444 / 25506477 / 2550644
E-mail: /
The Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) is a member-based organization of poor self-employed women workers of the informal sector in India. Founded in 1972. It has a current membership of 1.7 million women workers from 18 states from India. has a presence across the SAARC region in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. SEWA members are organized into 4813 Self Help Groups, 160 Cooperatives, and 15 economic federations, and 3 producer companies.
Nearly two-thirds of SEWA’s members live in rural areas and small and marginal farmers are having the largest membership of about 55%. Agriculture is a key source of livelihood and food security for most families. SEWA’s members include small and marginal farmers, landless agricultural sharecroppers, casual laborers, fisherfolks, salt workers. Forestry workers and animal husbandry. SEWA runs an agriculture campaign with three prolonged frameworks of agriculture, water, and energy. There are major four pillars of the campaign: (1) organizing, capacity building, and access to technical services, (2) access to agriculture inputs, (3) financial services, and (4) market linkages. The four pillars of the agriculture campaign helped SEWA etched out a working model of agriculture development that emphasizes developing the farm as an enterprise and shifts the focus from mere subsistence to viability and profitability. Climate-resilient practices have been gradually interwoven in this model over the past couple of decades. This helps its members to lead to structural transformations of becoming fully self-sustainable and profitable, moving it away from subsistence.
SEWA’s works with 2.6 million family farmers across India through its Agriculture Campaign and the National Farmer’s Forum Network It provides a national-level platform for the farmer’s organizations working with small and marginal farmers for sharing, learning, and policy advocacy training, provision of high-quality inputs and equipment, improvement of access to credit, development of market linkages and marketing business support services, provision of weather insurance and regular dialogue with policy-makers at all levels of government, All These contribute to an enabling environment for rural poverty reduction, through instrumental support to rural smallholders and their organizations at the national level.
Date of membership in AFA: August 5, 2016
Viet Nam Farmers’ Union (VNFU)
Location: No. 9 Ton That Thuyet Street, My Dinh 2 Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Contact Person: Dr. Mai Bac My
Phone: 0084-4-38456137
Fax: 0084-4-37340312
Email: maibacmy.hnd@gmail.comWebsite:
Established in October 1930, the Vietnam Farmers’ Union (VNFU) is a social-political organization of the Vietnamese peasantry. VNFU has been playing a key and central role in farmers’ movements and building the new countryside. With nearly 10,200,000 members, VNFU is organized at national, provincial, district, and commune levels. Under the commune level, the members are organized into professional branches and groups.
Main purposes, functions, and tasks
- To gather, mobilize, propagandize, and educate to help farmers to improve all aspects of life
- To represent the peasantry to participate in building the Party, State, and Government from the central to localities.
- To take care, protect legal and legitimate rights and benefits of farmers.
- To organize the activities of servicing, consultation, support for the peasants in production, business, and daily life.
- To expand the external relation affairs, strengthen the cooperation, exchange, learning experience, advancement in science and technology, promote the agricultural products, Vietnam’s culture to the farmer organizations, international organizations, governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations within the regions and in the world.
- Participating in the formulation, dissemination of policies, laws related to agriculture, farmers, and rural areas; Providing legal support for farmers; Monitoring and social feedback
- Transferring techniques and technology to farmers; providing vocational training and job assistance for farmers
- Developing sustainable development models on agricultural production and business such as cooperatives, cooperative groups, environment-friendly agricultural models, value chains
- Providing services for farmers: credit, seed, seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides, marketing
- Raising awareness, knowledge of farmers on social issues such as environmental protection, prevention, and against social evils
- Organizing cultural and sports activities for farmers
- Promoting international cooperation
Date of membership in AFA: August 5, 2016
Kyrgyz Association of Forest and Land Users (KAFLU)
Location: 36 Baitik Batyr Street, Bishkek, 720016, Kyrgyz Republic
Tel/Fax: +996 (312) 55 14 06
Email: /
Website: https//:
KAFLU is a professional organization promoting interests of its members for sustainable ecosystem and natural resource management assuring fair access, responsible use and effective conservation of the environment for resilient livelihood and poverty alleviation in the communes.
Establishing favorable conditions for sustainable natural resource management and entrepreneurship development in the forest and agriculture sectors of Kyrgyzstan.
Date of membership in AFA: October 5, 2020
Philippine Family Farmers’ Agriculture Fishery Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPh)
Location: Room 202/203 Agapito Aquino Building #90 Balete Drive Extension Brgy. Kristong Hari 1135 Quezon City, Philippines
Contact Person: Cresente Paez, CEO
Phone: (02) 717 1330
The Philippine Family Farmers’ Agriculture Fishery Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPh) is a national federation of agri-fishery-forestry cooperatives whose members are small-scale family farmers. These cooperatives are engaged in various agro-industrial commodities. We assist these cooperatives in capacity building in governance and enterprise development, access to finance, farm inputs, agricultural machinery, technology, and markets including partnerships with government and agribusiness companies.
Our Vision
Empowered, just, prosperous, and resilient Agri-Cooperative Federation of family farmers
Our Mission
We are a national federation dedicated to building the capacities of member-agriculture, fishery, and forestry cooperatives.
Date of membership in AFA: October 5, 2020
Asosiasaun Nasional Produtor Fini Komersial (ANAPROFIKO)
Address: Bebonuk, Comoro, Dili, Timor-Leste
Contact Person: Joanico José Ximenes
The Asosiasaun Nasional Produtor Fini Komersial (ANAPROFIKO) is an umbrella organization of Commercial Seed Producers (CSP) which are registered with the Seed Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to produce, process, and/or market quality seed in Timor-Leste. CSPs include a number of farmer organizations or farmer groups.
ANAPROFIKO was formed in March 2015 with assistance from MAF-Seeds of Life. It is registered at the Ministry of Justice on September 2015. It is established with the
objectives to represent the interests of commercial seed producers and to promote the development of the commercial seed trade. It is being operated on a voluntary basis. An independent Secretariat is set up in Dili to coordinate its activities in serving the interests of members.
ANAPROFIKO held its first general assembly on 19 March 2015 where representatives from 55 commercial seed producers from 12 municipalities attended. The general assembly decided to elect one delegate for each municipality and the 12 delegates further elected a four members executive committee for ANAPROFIKO. At present, the Executive Committee team comprises the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Membership is open to all commercial seed producers registered in MAF on payment of a one-time entry fee and an annual subscription based on turnover. There are 55 Commercial Seed Producers (1500 seed growers) in 12municipalities of Timor-Leste. ANAPROFIKO members have actively contributed to the process of drafting the ‘Timor-Leste National Seed Policy’. ANAPROFIKO has a permanent seat in the National Seed Council at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. It is fully committed to implementing the National Seed Policy.
Date of membership in AFA: October 20, 2022
Jaringan Masyarakat Tani Indonesia (JAMTANI)
Location of Secretariat : Cibuntu RT 04/06, Desa Sukamanah, Pengalengan, Bandung, Jawa barat 40378
Phone/Fax : +62 22 5979087
Location of Secretariat for Program : Kamurung RT 03/11 Desa Babakan, Kec/Kab Pangandaran, Jawa Barat 46396 Tlp: +62 265 7501156
E-mail :
Website :
Jaringan Masyarakat Tani Indonesia (Indonesia Farmer Network) is a national farmer organization. Currently, it is organizing 25.780 farmers’ groups, 739.256 HHs, located in 11 Provinces, 99 Districts. From a number of the members organized 2.002.850 individual members. JAMTANI focuses on policy advocacy, providing training and capacity building to members, agroecology farming, market networking, and development of agricultural cooperatives.
The vision of JAMTANI is realized of equitable ecological farming, while its mission is Building Farmers’ Independence through synergies with universities, government, and other parties.
One of the foundations for the formation of JAMTANI is the concern over the condition where farmers are always the object of agricultural development; farmers are always in a weak position with various economic, political, social, cultural, and even global pressures. On the other hand, the existing challenges encourage the desire of farmers to have more capacity in various farming skills. Besides that, farmers need to appear fighting to uphold the rights and dignity of farmers to solve their problems. Farmers believe that success is in the hands of farmers while other parties only act as encouragement, facilitators, and supporters.
In its development, JAMTANI was greatly influenced by the IPPHTI organization (established in 1999) as the guardian of the Field school for integrated pest management (FSIPM) program which was born through the Instruction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia: Presidential Instruction No. 3/1983 under the Ministry of National Planning Body (BAPENAS) and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. The FSIPM concept is a form of government concern for agricultural issues through a more empowering approach to farmers and a movement in ecosystem conservation efforts towards sustainable agriculture. This concept is known as the 5 Basic Principles of IPM. The principle of IPM is not emphasized on how to eradicate, kill and destroy Pests, but further than that, namely giving birth to smart farmers/expert farmers who are able to take action according to local conditions through critical education, promotion of farmer empowerment as farmer actors in the fields, learning from experience as a teacher. best with learning by doing and the learning cycle as a guide, applying ecological agriculture that maximizes local natural resources not only external inputs.
JAMTANI’s members are located in Bali, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Jogjakarta, Lampung, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, South Sumatera, North Sumatera, and East Kalimantan.
JAMTANI’s membership prioritizes Farmers’ Groups, especially farmer actors, both male, and female, who cultivate various plant commodities, including pond farmers. However, in accordance with the character of the area and the presence of farmers, the majority of members are focused on rice/rice field farmers as the most vulnerable farmer group. In the long term, it is very possible that membership can be spread throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Besides that, membership is also very open for non-farmers to become members of the Council that Cares for Farmers as Supervisors and advisors to the organization.
Date of membership in AFA: September 17, 2024
East Coast Fish Workers Union (ECFWU)
Membership: 26581
Location: c/o Amartosh Panda PO Chandaneswar PS Talshari Marine Block Bhograi District Balasore Odisha PIN-756085, India
Phone: +91 90388 69482
Date of membership in AFA: September 17, 2024 (Associate Members)