Akiko Aratani of Ainoukai narrated a story about their farming village in Menno, Ainoka, Japan. In their farm, located in the northernmost part of Japan, they raise 400 chickens and grow crops including rice, herbs, grapes, and wheat. Currently, there are about 80 households in their community who eat the produce in their farm.
They have a program called CSA (community supported agriculture). In the beginning of the farming season, they announce what they will grow. Those who want to buy their produce can either go to the farm to get 10-15 varieties of vegetable every other week, while others may also opt for delivery. They target those living in the cities who usually do not have families who farm and grow crops. Ms. Akiko said that, “By sharing food, we work with city people. It is our belief that life is more sacred than basic commodity.”
The village has a small bakery that hosts their produce. And they also teach children about farming.
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