Ms. Ika Krishnayanti (left), API International Relations Officer, emphasizes that farmers should also be recognized as researchers during the policy dialogue on technology transfer for smallholders in Bogor, Indonesia last February 13, 2013 organized by CAPSA. Credit: SATNET Blog.
Representing both API and AFA, Ms. Ika Krishnayanti, International Relations Officer of API, participated in the high level policy dialogue “Technology Transfer for Smallholder Farmers” organized by the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (CAPSA) in collaboration with the European Union (EU) and the Government of Indonesia last February 13, 2013 in Bogor, Indonesia.
The dialogue aimed to stimulate “discussion among senior officials from agricultural ministries, national agricultural research centres and non-governmental organizations from the Asia-Pacific Region in order to provide options for policymakers to facilitate and enhance the transfer of sustainable agricultural technologies to smallholder farmers and support investments that improve food security, reduce poverty and preserve the environment.”
During the policy dialogue, Ms. Krishnayanti joined other panelists in a moderated discussion addressing the question, “How can advances in science and research better reach smallholders to promote sustainable agriculture?”
She emphasized the “farmers should be recognized as researchers, and not only seen as scientific findings recipients” as she introduced “Ms. Maria Loreta, member of API’s National Board of Peasants and Head of API’s Peasant Women Committee, who recently received an award for her conservation of local species as well as supporting successful rice adaptation made by farmers in East Java to suit saline soil conditions.”
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(Reports and photos taken from SATNET Blog)
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