23 April 2010 by Asia Farmers Association, ROPPA, COPROFAM, ActionAid, International and International Land Coalition An international dialogue process on […]
In the recently concluded 4th AFA General Assembly last April 23 in Ping Tung, Taiwan, the new officers of the […]
After a 2-day strategic planning workshop held in Ping Tung, Taiwan which was highlighted by an analysis of its strengths, […]
The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), held its Fourth General Assembly, with the theme “Sustaining our Gains, […]
Manila, Philippines – Today as the nation faces the threat of a widespread COVID-19 outbreak, we are also potentially facing another […]
The WRF, together with AFA, AsiaDHRRA, and CIFA as the host partner, are organizing an IYFF Asia Continental strategy meeting, […]
How does cheap food contribute to global hunger? GDAE’s Timothy A. Wise, in this recent article in Resurgence magazine, explains […]
Thirty-two-year-old Heera Sinh Jodhasinh Patwal lives in Todhara Village, Dwarahat Block, Almora District. He has completed his BA and his […]
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