Bogor, Jakarta – The Indonesian Organic Alliance or Aliansi Organis Indonesia (AOI), together with the Indonesian Peasant Alliance or Alliansi […]
Bogor, Indonesia – AFA attended the regional conference on policies for food security between OECD and ASEAN held last November […]
Attracting Youth in Agriculture (PPT) AFA Presentation for the ARD 2014 Click here to download
AFA Research: Attracting Youth to Agriculture (PPT) by Ms. Violet Corral for AFA November 2014 Click here to download
“The challenge to the international community and to decision makers at all levels of society is to work with family […]
(AFA Vice Chairperson and staff and AFFM president participated in the meeting. The consortium of AFA and La Via Campesina […]
AFA joined other farmer organizations implementing the Medium Term Cooperation Program Phase Two (MTCP2) in Asia and the Pacific in […]
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