To make agricultural investments more inclusive, farmers’ organization should be engaged to ensure the bargaining power of the smallholder producers. […]
The World Consultative Committee (WCC) for the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) 2014 met last January 29-30, 2013 in Rome, Italy […]
Representing both API and AFA, Ms. Ika Krishnayanti, International Relations Officer of API, participated in the high level policy dialogue […]
Dr. Wenchi Huang, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Wax Apple Development Association (TWADA), an AFA member in Taiwan, visited the […]
Bangkok, Thailand – AFA promoted the International Year of Family Farming during a global panel discussing health and food security […]
Bangkok, Thailand — AFA, through its policy advocacy officer Ma. Elena Rebagay, is participating in the ASEAN High Level Consultative […]
The office of Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API) is in evacuation mode after the heavy flooding caused by unusually strong monsoon […]
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