www.financialexpress.com ASHOK B SHARMA Posted online: Monday , August 13, 2007 at 2331 hrs IST India’s main areas of concern […]
http://www.financialexpress.com ASHOK B SHARMA Posted online: Sunday , August 12, 2007 at 2331 hrs IST Climate change is set to […]
Asia-Europe Peoples Campaign against FTAs 1 August 2007 An anti-FTA rally with around 150 trade activists from the Asia-Europe Peoples’ […]
The Executive Committee of AFA decided to put up its own secretariat office in Manila last July 23, 2007. The […]
PRESS RELEASE 5 June 2007 A 7.2 million euro programme to support the ASEAN integration process was officially launched in […]
In December 2005 AFA and AsiaDHRRA decided to participate in several parallel CSO events during the 5th WTO MC in […]
For immediate release: 21 June 2007 The “G90 Plus” groupings of developing countries, which represents a majority of developing country […]
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