Watch this video to learn about the initiatives of the Lao Farmer Network for youth farmers in Lao PDR. Lao […]
Jakarta, 4 April 2019 – As a country with 24 million small-scale farmers, agriculture is one of the main issues for […]
The National Implementing Agency of AFOSP-MTCP2 program in Cambodia held a training course on strategic planning for national farmer organisations […]
Farmers organizations (FOs) under the AFOSP-MTCP2 program participated in the 8th ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum held at the Prince Palace […]
The Group brought together experts from ASEAN and beyond to provide critical input to key regional guiding documents The Mekong Expert Group […]
Coconut farmers, farmer organizations, government representatives, cooperatives, and entrepreneurs from Indonesia gathered in Indonesia on 24-25 October 2018 for the […]
Coconut farmers, farmer organizations, government representatives, cooperatives, and entrepreneurs from Indonesia gathered in Indonesia on 24-25 October 2018 for the […]
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