The following article was written by Mr. Jukichi Ishizawa, a 78-year old organic farmer from Fukushima, Japan. His place, Kouriyama […]
The following article was written by Mr. Jukichi Ishizawa, a 78-year old organic farmer from Fukushima, Japan. His place, Kouriyama […]
Last May 25, Organic Farmers’ groups in Japan, who form part of the National “Change Agriculture!” movement, conducted “The International […]
Bonded together by the theme “Inochino Rizumu Wotorimodosou” (Regain the Rhythm of Life), around 400 people attended the national convention […]
Education Ainokai held its bi-annual 10-day farming course in March and in August, practical farming course in April to November […]
A seminar-workshop entitled “Developing AFA’s Concept on Pro-Small Farmer Marketing and Trading” was held in Aichi and Mie, Japan last […]
One of the most interesting high-technology yet organic farms visited during the AFA seminar workshop in Japan was Mr. Harada’s […]
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