Vientiane capital, Laos — Based on a study conducted by the Lao Farmer Network (LFN) on youth in agriculture, young […]
Representatives of farmer organizations, national implementing agencies (NIAs) of MTCP2, and development partners convene at the Agricultural Management Institute in […]
Despite being educated only till Grade X, 48-year-old Partha Sarathi Mondal has immense practical experience in farming. He is always […]
Forty-eight-year-old Bhanumoti Das lives with her husband Golok Das and their two sons. She hails from a very poor family […]
Forty-eight-year-old Jamuna Das owns one bigha land at Monachitura Village in Birbhum. When her husband was alive, this land was […]
Singur is popularly called the granary of West Bengal. This particular piece of land in Singur is highly fertile and […]
The delegates of Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA) for its biennial consultations and General Assembly went to the THAIFEX – World of […]
AFFM conducted a workshop on the Farmland Law reform with the objective of drafting amendments to be submitted to the […]
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