Nut Chenda is the leader of Samros Tapen agricultural cooperative in Tapen village, Kraingleave commune, Bati district, Takeo province, Cambodia. […]
GAFSP CSO Asia Report of Activities (April – December 2016) The report includes activities conducted such as Asia producer organization […]
Yangon, Myanmar – The Agriculture and Farmers Federation of Myanmar (AFFM) in partnership with its mother trade union Confederation of […]
Land Matrix Proposal 2016 AFA LM Proposal 2016 Cover Letter AFA LM Proposal 2016 FINAL LM Project Proposal 2016 – […]
Land Matrix Project Report 2015 LMR 1403 AFA – Final Report Cover Letter LMR 1403 AFA – Final Report Narrative […]
The Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the Context of National Food […]
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