Vietnam's ecologically sensitive wetlands, which produce much of the country's food staples, including rice, fish and fowl, are now beginning to suffer the effects of over-exploitation. ''Environmental protection and economic development sometimes contradict each other,'' Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) Pham Khoi Nguyen said, spelling out the government's dilemma. But Nguyen indicated that the time had come for drastic measures to protect a vast region of shimmering paddies and mudflats, stretching from the Red River valley in the north to the Mekong Delta in the south, which ''plays a crucial role in ensuring the national food supply but is also home to delicate ecosystems''.
The $250,000 World Food Prize, considered by many the Nobel Prize of food and agriculture, was awarded today to an Indian scientist credited with launching a "blue revolution" (a rapid increase in fish production) in the developing world. Modadugu Gupta has spent 30 years creating a cheap and ecologically sustainable system of small-scale fish-farming using abandoned ditches and seasonally flooded fields and water holes smaller than the average swimming pool.
As Geneva is busy with talks, Hong Kong is preparing for a major resistance against unfair trade rules. The Chinese government has geared up to handle over 10,000 demonstrators from all over the world likely to converge on Hong Kong. It is in constant dialogue with the Hong Kong People’s Alliance (HKPA) on the WTO. It is identifying possible sites that can be used to stage public protests.
The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), a network of family farmer organizations representing around 12 million farmers […]
Over the past few years, there has been progress in tenure and safeguards at the ASEAN level, particularly in the […]
Over the past few years, there has been progress in tenure and safeguards at the ASEAN (regional) level, particularly in […]
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