International Climate Change Negotiations: Ensuring Support for Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in Smallholder Agriculture AFA Issue paper, Volume 2 Number […]
Farmers’ Voices, Farmers’ Choices: AFA Regional Consultations on Food Sovereignty, Climate Change, and Marketing October 4-10, 2009 Bangkok, Thailand Click […]
Farmers’ Regional Trade Agenda: Farmers’ Collective Voice on Trade in the ASEAN Region AFA Issue Paper, Volume 2 Number 3, […]
Critical Issues on the Growing Market Power of Transnational Agribusinesses AFA Issue Paper, Volume 2 Number 2, September 2009 DOWNLOAD: […]
The Global Financial Crisis: What it is and How it Affects Small-Scale Men and Women Farmers in the ASEAN Region […]
Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Possible Responses in Asian Agriculture AFA Issue Paper, Volume 1, Number 1, October 2008 DOWNLOAD: […]
Farmers in ASEAN member-countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand, can now understand more about ASEAN issues related […]
AFA and AsiaDHRRA Issue Paper. Vol. 3, No. 1. Quezon City, Philippines, February 2008. The ASEAN Charter and the ASEAN […]
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