One of the important recent concepts in agricultural development has been the concern for sustainability. This concern originated with the high tech, high input and high yielding systems of the developed world and its meaning and appropriateness to the developing world. The presentation represents some reflections on the application of sustainability to the developing countries of Asia. Sustainable agriculture is defined as agriculture that balances the need for essential agricultural commodities such as food, fibre, etc. with the necessity of protecting the physical environment and public health, the foundation of agriculture.
Every four years in Rome, the global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum sees millions of small-scale producers represented on the world stage […]
COP28 UAE Presidency Farmers  and Traditional Food Producers at the Heart of Food Systems Transformation 10th December, 9-1030 am at […]
COP28 Side Event People & Places: agroecology and regenerative approaches from the ground up Date: 2 December 2023 Time: 3:30 […]
Global Conference of Family Farmers for Climate Action 21-22 October 2023 | Rome, Italy Small-scale family farmers face a multitude […]
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