AFA joined other civil society organizations from the Asia Pacific region in calling on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and its member states to act on issues affecting global food security such as, climate change adaptation and mitigation, land grabbing and food sovereignty, trade and investment, global food and financial crises, and agriculture and food governance.

The CSOs met in a consultation in Gyeongju, South Korea last September 27-28, which was attended by around 70 representatives of organizations of small farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, rural women, pastoralists, youth, cooperatives, and NGOs in the Asian region.

The consultation was a parallel event to the 30th FAO-Asia Pacific Regional Conference also held in Geyongju, South Korea on September 27 to October 1.

The AFA delegation was composed of Esther Penunia (Secretary General), Vicente Fabe (AFA Treasurer), Luisita Esmao (LAKAMBINI-PAKISAMA/WOCAN Leader), and Ika Krishnayanti (API International Relations Officer).

In the statement sent by the CSOs to FAO, they said that, “In the last five years, manifold crises have afflicted the world. The financial crisis caused the closure of banks and many financial institutions. The food crisis resulted from the destruction of food systems through neo-liberal reforms in poor countries. Food prices remain high, and now, 1 billion people are hungry and malnourished with more than 700 million found in Asia. A climate crisis is upon us due to unsustainable industrial and agricultural policies.”

Click here to download the full statement.

Click here for more information about the CSO consultation.


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