[Meeting of the World Consultative Committee for the International Year of Family Farming 2014. January 29-30, 2013. Rome, Italy. Copyright: WRF]
During the meeting, the WCC members agreed that (1) the year belongs to everybody, and that IYFF-2014 is an opportunity to work towards common goals while recognizing and appreciating diversity; (2) farmers organizations will lead the IYFF-2014 and will lead the WCC; (3) national level is the key level of action; (4) all interested organizations will be invited to participate in national level committees and actions.
The WCC is the civil society process for IYFF while another process is being undertaken by FAO, which was mandated by the UN to take charge of the celebration of the family farming year. A meeting took place between WCC members and FAO and IFAD to discuss ways of working together. The WCC will be in charge of ensuring that there are activities related to IYFF-2014 at global level, while regional organizations in WCC will lead and ensure the existence of regional and national level initiatives.
Inside the WCC, a task force has been created to define the global action plan and the launching of the year. AFA is part of this Task Force, together with regional FOs COPROFAM and ROPPA-PAFO, and with international organizations Oxfam Intl, Slow Food International, AsiaDHRRA and of course, WRF, who will function as the CSO global coordinator for the IYFF-2014 campaign.
Click here for UN declaration of 2014 as International Year of Family Farming
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