In an expression of dismay over WTO policies in agriculture, Director General Pascal Lamy’s visit to the Philippines last February 23, 2007 was greeted by shouts of protest from farmers groups and other trade advocates, including AFA and PAKISAMA.

Various national coalitions of farmers and trade advocates in the Philippines (of which PAKISAMA is a member) issued statements condemning Lamy’s visit, which was seen as an effort to put pressure on government negotiators.

The statements and a short video of the action were uploaded to the AFA website.


Farmers’ Network Hit Lamy’s Encroachment on Agriculture Policies — Press Release by Task Force Food Sovereignty (TFFS)
Farmers and fishers distrupt Lamy’s meeting with business – Press Release by STOP THE NEW ROUND! COALITION
Go home Lamy, we don’t need the WTO! – Statement of Task Force Food Sovereignty (TFFS)
“Agriculture and Food” not “Agriculture and Trade” — Statement of the International Gender and Trade Network
The Doha Round is not for us!! – Statement of Stop the New Round! Coalition

Video of Lightning Rally against Lamy


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