In Madnapur village, Mahur block, Nanded district, Sunita Gandhamwar is not just growing crops—she’s cultivating a better future for her family and community. Sunita is a dedicated farmer and member of the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA). Sunita traditionally grew cotton during the kharif season and gram in the rabi season on her four-acre farm. However, she often struggled to access high-quality planting materials, a challenge that became even more pressing during pest infestations and natural calamities.

Recognizing this gap, Sunita took the initiative to establish a commercial nursery with the support of the APFP-FO4A program through SEWA. She received critical resources, including a net house, quality seeds, and specialized training in nursery management. Under the expert guidance of agronomist Shekhar Dawane and Project Coordinator Shailendra Kamble, she learned advanced techniques such as soil solarization, optimal sowing and fertilization, raised bed preparation, and effective pest and disease control.

With her newly acquired skills, Sunita began cultivating a diverse range of seedlings, including 700 drumstick (moringa)800 custard apples, 780 guava, and 820 teakwood plants. Her nursery quickly gained recognition beyond her own farm and neighboring farmers sought her high-quality seedlings to improve their own cultivation. In her first season alone, she successfully sold 720 custard apple plants, 750 teakwood trees, 700 guava plants, and 660 drumstick plants, generating a net income of INR 30,700 (USD 350).

More than just a personal success, Sunita’s nursery has become a valuable resource for local farmers, ensuring access to strong, healthy planting material that enhances agricultural productivity in the region. By bridging the gap between demand and supply for quality seedlings, she is helping fellow farmers expand their cultivation, ultimately boosting their incomes and strengthening local food systems.

APFP-FO4A is implemented by the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC) and funded by the European Union and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).


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