Information Packet | Agriterra

This electronic information package is composed for partner organisations planning to do advocacy work and/or to go the WTO ministerial conference in Hong Kong (December 2005). It contains the basic information on the WTO in a nutshell. For partner organisations it is essential to have detailed and relevant information on the important issues. Two questions are central in this information package:

    1. What are the most important issues to be discussed in Hong Kong that have large consequences for small-scale agriculture and food security?
    2. In which way can partner organisations lobby to get more attention for their position?

Download the info packet here (word document format)…
More readings on WTO Hongkong and its implications on Agri Trade and Food Security here…

This information package on the next round of WTO negotiations on agriculture in Hong Kong is created by the NGO Consortium on food security, sustainable agriculture and trade. The goal of the NGO-consortium carrying out this project is to contribute to effective advocacy in the area of food security, sustainable agriculture and trade. The organizations administering the project include the SNV Netherlands Development Organization, the Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), Agriterra, Global Ministries of the United Churches of the Netherlands, Vredeseilanden and IVA: organizations which all have partner networks of farmer and development organizations in southern countries at their disposal. By offering a range of practical services in the areas of information and research, training and advocacy, the consortium hopes to enable its southern partners to better lobby on their own behalf.

The following are the members of the consortium:

Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO)
SNV Netherlands Development Organization
Global Ministries of the Uniting Protestant Churches in the Netherlands


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