Land to the Tiller: Agrarian Reform STILL a vital strategy for development

AFA Issue Paper, Volume 1, Number 4, March 2005

DOWNLOAD: Land to the Tiller: Agrarian Reform STILL a Vital Strategy for Development

What is Agrarian Reform?

Agrarian reform, or AR, is the redistribution of public and private agricultural lands, regardless of produce and tenurial arrangement, to landless farmers and regular farm workers, to include support services and other arrangements alternative to the distribution of lands such as production/profit sharing, labor organization, or distribution of shares of stock. Agrarian reform most often refers to transfer from ownership by a relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners with extensive land holdings (e.g. plantations, large ranches, or agribusiness plots) to an individual or collective ownership by those who work the land. Agrarian reform usually refers to government-initiated or government-backed redistribution of — i.e. transfer of ownership of (or tenure in)— agricultural land.

DOWNLOAD: Land to the Tiller: Agrarian Reform STILL a Vital Strategy for Development


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