“When I was born, four out of five Koreans lived in rural areas, but very few of them actually owned the land they farmed. Most were very poor, and many experienced hunger. The war years, of course, were especially dire. The United Nations helped come to the rescue, not just militarily but with sacks of […]
AFA participates in side event on women in agriculture The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) met for its 39th session last October 15-20, 2012 in Rome, Italy. During this meeting, the member governments endorsed the first version of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) and approved the terms of reference (TOR) for […]
National Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) Farmer and Nature Net (FNN), AFA member in Cambodia, and Kendrio Krishok Moitree ( KKM), AFA member in Bangladesh, convened consultation workshops cum dialogues with government implementers of national projects financed under the Global Agriculture for Food Security Program or GAFSP. In Cambodia The consultation in Cambodia was held last November […]
“We believe that the key problem still remains with emissions from developed countries, which are already contributing to climate change and causing impacts on food production. Developed countries must urgently and immediately reduce their emissions and provide financing according to their obligations under the UNFCCC. For developing countries, adaptation has to be the main priority, […]
AFA congratulates Dr. Yang Saing Koma, founder of the Center for Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC) for being one of this year’s recipients of the Ramon Magsaysay award. CEDAC help found the organization of small farmers in Cambodia called Farmer and Nature Net (FNN), which is now a close partner of […]
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil – AFA Secretary General Esther Penunia was invited to speak in the high-level discussion on Food for Life and the Life of Food organized by FAO, IFAD, WFP, Bioversity International and the World Bank. Participants included heads of state and government, high-level policy makers from countries and international organizations who came […]
AFA joined the organizing committee of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) in organizing the event “International Seminar: The Role of Family Farming in the Construction of the Development with Sustainability,” which was held last June 21, 2012, at the Social Environmental Arena, Flamengo Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The seminar was aimed […]
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil – Farmers need to have secure land tenure, control over their own seeds, support for agro-ecological approaches, access to markets for their products, and meaningful participation in governance processes at all levels, in order to effectively play their role in ensuring food and nutrition security and reduce poverty in the countryside. […]
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