INTRODUCTION TO AGRI-FOREST ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUNG FARMERS April to June 2022   THEME Young Women and Men  Farmers As Advocates for Sustainable, Resilient, Gender Sensitive Agri-Forest-Based Livelihoods: Young Farmers for Farms in Forests, Forests in Farms   INTRODUCTION Enterprise development, value chains and market linkages are terms that are increasingly being used when discussing […]
At a side event during the International Journalism Festival held on 9 April 2022 in Perugia, Italy, AFA Secretary-General Esther Penunia made a plea to the media. “The media has big power to influence public opinion. We hope the media uses this power to highlight the family farmers’ role as solution providers in making our […]
Regional Consultation Meeting Promoting Healthy, Sustainable, and Inclusive Food Systems in Response to COVID-19 in South Asia 29-30 March 2022 | 10:30 – 14:30 GMT+6 (Bangladesh) REGISTER Background Globally, around 30% of the population suffer from multiple micronutrient deficiencies, around 10 million children die each year before they attain the age of 5 years and […]
By Ibrahima Coulibaly, President of the Network of Farmers’ Organizations and Smallholder Farmers in West Africa (ROPPA); Alberta Guerra, Senior Policy Analyst at ActionAid USA; and Esther Penunia, Secretary-General of the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) This article is originally posted on Across the world, between 720 and 811 million […]
  Virtual Regional Consultation on Engaging with Academia and Research Institutions (ARIs) to Support Family Farmers and Food System Transformation During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia 8-9 December 2021 PROGRAMME OUTLINE WITH LINKS TO THE PRESENTATIONS AND RECORDINGS   DAY 1: 8 December 2021 Time Zone: Bangkok Standard Time (GMT+7) WATCH DAY 1 RECORDING […]
Learning Exchange and Policy Dialogue on Customary Tenure (CT) Recognition, Food Security and Traditional Livelihoods in the ASEAN Region 1-3 December 2021 | 14:00 GMT+8 Philippine time | Zoom Register at   THEME Linking customary tenure (CT) recognition, food security and traditional livelihoods in the ASEAN region   Introduction The State of the World’s […]
At the APAARI and CoSAI Dialogue on the innovation investment landscape and future food systems in the Asia Pacific, Ms. Esther Penunia, AFA Secretary-General called for a food system that ” emphasizes the need for investments in agriculture innovation that are farmer-centric and inclusive.”  On September 28, 2021, the Asia-Pacific Association of Agriculture Research Institutions […]
“We, farmers in Asia, join the global call to action against climate change. We call on the world leaders attending the COP26 to recognize family farmers as solution providers and to invest in establishing a Farmers’ Empowerment and Climate Resiliency Trust Fund. We are watching you, so act now. Act now, for our future.” Climate […]
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