Here’s an interesting article that i found while reading about Eid il Fitr in the maranao website here. It was written by a moro brother farming in mindanao.

by Sunny Rasheed Lucman Pacasum

moro farmerI have embarked on a new personal journey as a farmer. I am passionate in my conviction that the only way to give Muslim Mindanao a fighting chance is through agriculture. I want to be one of those who try to take into effect small but effective ripples of positive perceptions about our homeland, especially now that our land is getting smaller everyday. I believe that we should develop our agricultural industry in Mindanao. I’m convinced that agriculture has the greatest potential to increase its productivity. since our Muslim farmers are blessed with typhoon free production areas and can be globally competitive. Our farmers can even plant and harvest all year round.

I myself had first hand experience in farming when I visited our land in Sultan Gummander. I remember my mom would always ask me to check on our land when I would have a free time. My parents would never lecture me by letting me just sit down and blab on and on about what life is like and what values I should possess. They have been good examples to me for they have taught me to do what I need to do to be better than others.

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