Laos has approximately 24 million hectares of land, 5 million of which are considered agricultural land. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, as it employs approximately 3/4 of the population. The country’s main crop is rice. While the main exports are industrial crops and plants (i.e., rubber trees, eucalyptus, and fruits). As of November 2023, there are 105 deals with over 2,004,076 hectares of land. In terms of the land area, the intention of investment is spread between agriculture at 31% (the majority being rubber tress), 2% being renewable energy (hydro dams), and the other 28% (mostly mining). The minority went to livestock at 9%. It should be noted that even though the number of renewable energy and mining deals is not a high number, they play important roles in extracting natural resources and covering a huge area of land and forestry land.

Read the full report at: Land Matrix Country Snapshot_Laos PDR


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