(Ms. Sudaporn Sittisathapornkul, a rubber farmer and leader of Sor Kor Por, a national federation of farmers in Thailand, is also the Chairperson of AFA.)

a. How does Climate Change affect farmers (and the most vulnerable groups; women) and how can they better adapt to it?

I am a rubber farmer from the South of Thailand. Now we are experiencing long droughts. The drought has affected our river. Before, we could not walk through it, but now we can. Our underground water which can be used year round before, dries up as early a March instead of May. Because of this drought, many rubber trees died, many more are dying. We have lost lots of income. In many areas, farmers are competing for water for their other fruit trees.

b. Why you think is it important to consider and deal with climate change effects in different productive systems — seeds, natural resources, fisheries, livestock? How can resources be enhanced to avoid the extreme effects of climate change?

Sor Kor Por, our farmer organization in Thailand, is involved in planting trees for debt. Planting more trees will help lessen the impact of climate change and help pay farmers’ debts.


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