Yesterday, October 15 was International Rural Women’s Day. Today, October 16, is World Food Day. Tomorrow, October 17, is International Day to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty.

In commemoration of these days, we share with you a special message of AFA to the FFTC (Food and Fertilizer Technology Center), which is holding a conference entitled “Enhancement of Women Farmers’ Role in the Development of Rural Asia” this October 16-18, 2007.

We believe that hunger and poverty among small farming families and communities, will be greatly reduced, if, together, we effectively respond to the needs of small men and women farmers and fishers.

Let us be self-sufficient in our basic staples and food, in a sustainable way. Let us, farmers and fishers, have peace and security, in our lands, in our jobs, in our incomes. In doing so, let us pay particular attention to the special needs of our women. These are sure ways to reduce hunger and poverty in the rural areas, where majority of the poor in our world reside.

Click here for the message


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