Last 22 August 2022, the Regional Focal Point – Asia hosted by the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) launched a series of capacity building training for its partners in Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines for the Land Matrix Initiative (LMI) project.

The Land Matrix is an independent global land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability in decisions over large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in low- and middle-income countries across the world. Through the platform, data on large-scale land acquisitions are recorded to give insights into the extent and effects of LSLAs on the community as one of its parameters.

AFA has partnered with the Farmer and Nature Net (FNN) in Cambodia, Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API) in Indonesia, and the Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka (PAKISAMA) in the Philippines to improve the data collection strategies of LSLAs in their respective countries, as well as to utilize the platform as a source of evidence-based documentation that will inform and influence the lobby and advocacy work of family farming organizations over land governance.

Part of the capacity building training given to the country data partners includes the discussion and introduction to the Land Matrix platform, data collection strategies, discussion of data parameters in relation to LM and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT), as well as basic knowledge on navigating and collecting spatial data.

For more information on the Land Matrix Initiative, you may visit and


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