AFA, as a regional farmers’ organization, and 3 member organizations from Southeast Asian countries participated in the negotiations on the “Medium Term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations in the Asia and the Pacific Region” held last May 12-13, 2009 at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Region in Bangkok, Thailand.

Esther Penunia (representing AFA), Sudaporn Sittisathapornkul (representing SorKorPor in Thailand), Renato Penas (representing PAKISAMA in the Philippines), and Nguyen Manh Hung (representing VNFU of Vietnam) joined representatives from 18 other farmers’ organizations in 9 other countries, as well as from IFAD, FAO, and ASEAN.

The programme aims to improve the livelihoods of rural poor producers, and to enable small farmers’ organizations in Asia and the Pacific region and their networks to influence policies affecting their members.

Specifically, it aims to: develop farmers’ organizations’ networking and knowledge management skills; facilitate and improve dialogue between farmers’ organizations and policymakers at the national, regional and international levels; and promote the involvement of farmers’ organizations in IFAD country programmes.

Participating countries include India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Philippines, Viet Nam and China.


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