Regional Learning Session on Sustainable and Inclusive Marketing Arrangements towards increasing Farmers’ Market Power May 9-11, 2013 Manila, Philippines Click […]
In order to adapt effectively and help mitigate climate change, farmers need climate information and services. The WMO and WFO […]
AFA gives international situationer Tagaytay City, Philippines, April 13, 2013 – Fourteen farmers, five of them women, all members of […]
(The following is a speech delivered by GAFSP CSO Asia alternate representative Raul Socrates Banzuela during a session on Global […]
Dhaka, Bangladesh – The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), a multi-lateral funding mechanism, approved funding for the government’s […]
“When I was born, four out of five Koreans lived in rural areas, but very few of them actually owned […]
(While this is a news about USA, AFA shares the hopes of its partner NGO , IATP, regarding the positive […]
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