The office of Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API) is in evacuation mode after the heavy flooding caused by unusually strong monsoon […]
AFA attended the second MTCP Steering Committee meeting for South Asia and Southeast Asia plus China last December 18, 2012 […]
With support from Agricord, through AsiaDHRRA and CSA, AFA hosted a knowledge session focused on drawing out key lessons on […]
AFA participates in side event on women in agriculture The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) met for its 39th […]
Recognizing the failure of modern industrial agriculture to secure food production in the world, a consensus is emerging that agroecology […]
National Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) Farmer and Nature Net (FNN), AFA member in Cambodia, and Kendrio Krishok Moitree ( KKM), AFA […]
Representatives from AFA and two of its member FOs participated in a workshop on Participatory Generation of Proposals and Positions […]
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