AFA member Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API) (Indonesia), Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) (India) and partners COAST Foundation (Bangladesh), Pambansang Katipunan […]
The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), a network of family farmer organizations representing around 12 million farmers […]
Lawot-lawot Prepared by Laila Superable Rubas Bangon Integrated Farmers Association (RUBIFA) Philippines Lawot-lawot, also known as balikutos, is a traditional dish […]
PHILIPPINES – More than 300 Dumagat-Remontado natives, and residents of Quezon and Rizal from different sectors will walk from Gen. […]
  Creating an impact is one thing; but making your impact known is another thing.  This was what Mike Taylor, […]
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