8-10 September 2005 We, the representatives of farming communities, social movements and the civil society organizations in Pakistan, are gathered […]
The “G-Guide” Groupings in the WTO Agriculture Negotiations by Jacques Chai Chomthongdi* from FOCUS ON TRADE NUMBER 111, August 2005 […]
Land to the Tiller: Agrarian Reform STILL a vital strategy for development AFA Issue Paper, Volume 1, Number 4, March […]
The UN MDGs: An Arena for Advancing Farmers’ Rights DOWNLOAD: The UN MDGs: An Arena for Advancing Farmers’ Rights? During […]
GATT-WTOAoA: Asian farmers struggle for life DOWNLOAD: GATT-WTOAoA: Asian farmers struggle for life What is the GATT-WTO? The World Trade […]
Asian Farmers Fight for Survival and Control of the Rice Industry DOWNLOAD: Asian Farmers Fight for Survival and Control of […]
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