Task Force Food Sovereignty (TFFS)

Press Release

February 23, 2007

Farmers’ Network Hit Lamy’s Encroachment on Agriculture Policies

Makati City, Philippines- More than 400 farmers, fisherfolks, urban poor and representatives of development NGOs under the coalition Task Force Food Sovereignty (TFFS) and Rice Watch Network (R1), Stop The New Round! Coalition-Philippines (SNR) gathered in front of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry building in Makati City around 9:30 this morning to call on WTO Director General Pascal Lamy who arrived yesterday from Indonesia to stop pressuring the Philippine government to surrender its domestic trade negotiations, particularly the most vulnerable agricultural products that threaten poor Filipino farmers and fishers.

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TFFS leaders Eduardo Mora of PKMP and Baltazar Martin of AMA, Rasti Delizo of SANLAKAS and other leaders of participating NGOs and coalitions succeeded in entering the New World Renaissance Hotel located in the business district of Makati where Lamy was having a meeting with Philippine businesmen.

A commotion ensued when security personnel swamped the leaders who are about to unfurl a streamer. The leaders were forcibly dragged out by hotel security guards back to the streets. The leaders however were able to send their messages across as they were able to shout, “Go Home Lamy, Go Home! We don’t need you here! Stop pressuring our government! No more unfair negotiations! WTO out of agriculture! “

Outside the hotel, slogans criticizing the WTO were unfurled and banners flew as agitated protesters spoke about the inequities of the WTO.

Earlier, security personnel and policemen stopped the protesters from airing their calls and campaigns when the truck that served as the platform for speakers was whisked away from the area, saying it disrupts the traffic flow. With no sound system to use, the leaders marched to another venue near the entrance of the hotel. Again, security personnel and policemen tried to break the rally. After an intense negotiation, the protesters were allowed to continue with the program. A megaphone was produced from nowhere and this was used by the leaders who took turns in lambasting Lamy.

Lamy’s visit to the country has been viewed as an attempt to soften the position of the Philippines which is a member of the G33, a group of 45 countries in the WTO.


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