Brasilia, November 13, 2010 – The meeting for the International Year of Family Farming Campaign (IYFF) for the American continent, was held last November 13-14, in Brasilia, Brazil. The meeting brought together over 80 representatives (around 30% of whom are women) of peasant organizations and rural NGOs and experts in family agriculture of 13 countries […]
AFA shared the perspectives of small men and women farmers in Asia during the meeting of Agricord to discuss the next phase of the Farmers’ Fighting Poverty (FFP) last October 6, 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. Due to visa problems, AFA was not able to send its representative to the meeting, so it recorded a video […]
By Esther Penunia AFA Secretary General 6 October 2010 Good afternoon to all of you. Am happy to be with you, to share our thoughts for the proposed next phase of the Farmers Fighting Poverty or FFP. The Asian Farmers Association or AFA is a regional alliance formed in 2002. Currently, we have ten national […]
AFA joined other civil society organizations from the Asia Pacific region in calling on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and its member states to act on issues affecting global food security such as, climate change adaptation and mitigation, land grabbing and food sovereignty, trade and investment, global food and financial crises, and agriculture and […]
(Photo courtesy of Corinna Araneta Lopa) The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) participated in the Sixth ASEAN People’s Forum (APF6), held in Hanoi, Vietnam, last September 24-26, 2010. The APF6 was aimed at helping strengthen solidarity and cooperation among ASEAN people for a people-oriented ASEAN community that will really be for their […]
Filipino farmer ends 3-day hunger strike Guadalajara, Mexico, March 4, 2010 — The Filipino farmer who went on hunger strike during the FAO biotech conference in Guadalajara, Mexico City being held on March 1-4, 2010, ended his protest action on March 4, 2010, the last day of the conference. “It’s over. I will be flying […]
Guadalajara, Mexico City, March 4, 2010 – A Filipino farmer attending a biotechnology conference organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) went on hunger strike the other day in protest of what civil society organizations perceive to be a heavy bias of the event towards the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture. Isidoro […]
Women leaders from Asia, representing AFA, La Via Campesina and other farmers’ organizations, participated in the Global Farmers’ Forum held in Rome on February 15-16, 2010. The women leaders included Ms. Kong Sokchhoin (FNN, Cambodia), Ms. Flora Caya (PAKISAMA, Philippines), India Smitha (SEWA, India), Ms. Amalia Pulungan (API, Indonesia), Ms. Esther Penunia (AFA), Ms. Marlene […]
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