[The following is from the flyer of ISIS about its new publication to which AFA contributed articles as follow: “Pursuing Organic Farming in Cambodia” (by Kong Sokchhoin, FNN); “A Case for Cassava in East Nusa Tenggara” (by Nuruddin); “When Survival of the Self is the Survival of Others” (by Ryoko Tsuboi, AINOUKAI); “Bracing the Burdens […]
Looking at the necessity to regulate the agricultural markets in the light of the current food price volatility, farmers’ organizations and civil society organizations gather for a seminar on mutually supportive agricultural and trade policies in Brussels on May 4 and 5, 2009. Represented by its Secretary General, AFA participates in this seminar entitled “The […]
Bangkok, Thailand – The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) held the 29th Regional Conference for Asia and The Pacific (FAORAP Conference) last March 26-31, in Bangkok, Thailand. Around 150 delegates from 33 countries participated in the conference. AFA participated as an observer in this conference, represented by its Chairperson, Ms. Sudaporn Sittisathapornkul and Secretary General, […]
29th FAORAP Conference CIVIL SOCIETY JOINT STATEMENT March 30, 2009 Bangkok, Thailand (Presented during the Ministerial meeting segment, March 30, 2009 , by Ms. Esther Penunia, AFA Secretary General.) Distinguished ministers and officers of the ministries of agriculture, forestry, fisheries in the Asia Pacific Region, Director General Jacques Diof, and officers of FAO RAP, good […]
Dear Friends in PAKISAMA, We, the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), would like to express our solidarity with you on the occasion of your 7th National Congress on March 18-20, 2009, with the theme “Unity Amidst Challenges of the Time.” This is a very important event not only for PAKISAMA, but for […]
Feb 18, Rome – AFA Secretary General, Esther Penunia, participated as one of the panelists during a round table discussion (RTD) on “ Research and Innovation for smallholder farmers in the context of climate change”, organized by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), last February 18, in Rome , Italy. The RTD was one […]
Press Release March 1, 2009 As heads of state conclude the 15th ASEAN Summit today with declarations and agreements to help the region respond to the issues of the global financial crisis and food security, leaders of the Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA), an alliance of national farmers’ organizations with 10 million members in Philippines, Indonesia, […]
by Kang, Min Su, AFA October 15, Davao City, Philippines – Forty participants from 15 countries mainly in East Asia gathered here in Davao City  to share country experiences on promoting sustainable agriculture, and to explore cooperation on mainstreaming ecological friendly agriculture . The conference, with the theme, “East and Asian Conference-workshop on Sustainable Agriculture, […]
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