These two news articles represent differing viewpoints in regards to organics and are a part of OCA’s new “Point/Counterpoint” series, […]
By Ramon Jorge Sarabosing | RICE farmers in Prosperidad town, Agusan del Sur see a better future ahead. For […]
Roberto Ugas | LEISA Magazine Isidora starts her working day walking along a dusty trail that leads to the lettuce […]
The Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), an alliance of millions of farmers from ten Asian countries, will hold its Strategic Planning and Second General Assembly, this coming February 25- March 3, 2006, in Manila , Philippines. The event will be hosted by PAKISAMA, an AFA member, in partnership with PhilDHRRA, an AsiaDHRRA member.
Today, March 8, International Womens’ Day, we celebrate women’s power to make our world a better place to live in […]
Today, the Philippine extension system is fragmented and dispersed. Almost 17,000 extension workers devolved to local government units lack access […]
We apologize for some incoveniences you might encounter while browsing our website. We are currentlly upgrading to wordpress v.2 Update […]
While market integration can increase national income and improve nutrition, it also "globalizes" potential threats to livelihoods, human health and the environment...
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