Representatives of the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) joined around 80 farmer leaders from around the world for the second global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum that took place on February 11-12, 2008 in conjunction with the thirty-first session of International Fund for Agricultural Development’s (IFAD) Governing Council. (In the photo: AFA […]
AFA Secretary General Esther Penunia (left) administers the oath of office to the new AFA Execom officers for 2008-2009. (From right) Chairperson – Sudaporn Sittisathapornkul (SorKorPor, Thailand); Vice-Chairperson – Sambito (API, Indonesia); Treasurer – Vicente Fabe (PAKISAMA, Philippines); Members – Shun-Te Tsai (TWADA, Taiwan), Tsung–Chi Huang (TDFA, Taiwan), Uon Sophal (standing in for representative from […]
AFA held a Consultation Workshop and 3rd General Assembly last February 28 to March 3, 2008 in Sangnok Resort, Cheonan, South Korea, hosted by the Korean Advanced Farmers’ Federation (KAFF), with the theme “China’s Development, Climate Change and Asian Farmers’ Realities: Old Problems, New Challenges for Farmers’ Organizations in Asia.” The Consultation-Workshop addressed two emerging […]
The following news item is posted at the website of Agriterra,, about the visit of AFA representatives to the Netherlands last February 2008. Agriterra frequently arranges visits of Dutchmen (and women) to farmers organisations in developing countries, to bring the knowledge and expertise from here to there. But it also happens the other way […]
SEAMEO INNOTECH Center, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines Hosted by PAKISAMA and PhilDHRRA in cooperation with AFA and AsiaDHRRA June 12-15, 2007 Day One: June 12, 2007 1. PRELIMINARIES/OPENING CEREMONY, OBJECTIVE SETTING AND FLOW OF PROGRAM Ms. Esther Penunia, secretary general of AFA, opened the morning session by acknowledging the presence of AFA members from […]
A Forum-Dialogue with Philippine Officials on WTO and ASEAN Matters June 13, 2007, 1:00-6:00 PM SEAMEO INNOTECH Center, Commonwealth Avenue, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Background of the Forum Soc as the moderator of the afternoon’s forum-dialogue welcomed the participants to the event. This was then followed with a round of introductions from […]
The New Agriterra Liaison Officer to the Philippines, Michiel Burgondien, carried out an orientation-mission to the Philippines last April 23 – May 8, 2007. The mission was facilitated by AFA Sec Gen Esther Penunia and Technical Assistant Jun Virola.
AFA Sec Gen Esther Penunia, acted as main trainer/facilitator in the Training Workshop on Basic Advocacy Skills held last May 28-30 in Do Son, Hai Phong, Vietnam organized by CAEV-VietDHRRA, an AsiaDHRRA member.
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