March 10-11 were devoted to the workshop itself. For Session 1: ASEAN Regional Integration in Agriculture, AsiaDHRRA Program Officer Lany Rebagay gave a presentation entitled “ASEAN Regional Integration in Agriculture”. Focus on the Global South Program Coordinator Ms. Jenina Joy Chavez (Joy) gave a presentation entitled “Regional Integration in Agriculture: Experiences from the EU, Mercosur […]
The Dialogue with the ASEAN Secretariat was held in the afternoon of March 12, at the ASEAN Secretariat also in Jakarta, Indonesia. AFA, AsiaDHRRA, and other partner CSOs met with the Secretary General and some senior officers. His Excellency ASEAN Secretary General Ong Keng Yong welcomed the AFA and AsiaDHRRA delegation. Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Secretary […]
The 7th World Social Forum was held on January 20-26, 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya. It was attended by AFA through the representation of Esther Penunia, Secretary General. Through its participation in the forum, AFA was able to establish and strengthen contacts with farmers’ organizations in Africa and Latin America as well as with NGOs working […]
Women constitute majority of those represented in food and agriculture production and processing globally. Thus, it is critical to incorporate gender into the debates around food and agriculture in order to identify alternative proposals to the current flawed international trade rules.
AFA Secretary General Esther Penunia was invited to a globally televised debate entitled “Failing the Farmers”, which was produced by TVE for BBC World in cooperation with IFAD last March 31 in London. She joined a panel of fourteen international panelists in considering the most salient issues confronting small farmers today.
The Vietnam Farmers Union hosted an AFA event entitled “Seminar Workshop on Organizational Management: Developing AFA Leaders’ Capacities to Manage AFA Operations” last November 10-14, 2006 in Hanoi, Vietnam. VNFU First Vice-Chairperson Mr. Le Hoang Minh welcomed all 33 (23 male, 10 female) participants from 6 AFA member organizations from 6 Asian countries to the […]
AFA Secretary General Esther Penunia and AsiaDHRRA Program Officer Lany Rebagay successfully finished the profiling activities of 4 farmer organizations for Agriterra. The profiled organizations were: PASAKA, a provincial-based farmers’ organization in the Philippines, Sept 21-22; NATCCO, a Philippine-based confederation of cooperatives, Sept 27-28; VNFU, 0ct 3-5; and, PAKISAMA, Oct 17-18. The profiling activities gave […]
Members of the Indonesian local media gathered in Batu City, Malang, Indonesia last September 12, 200 for a press conference with AFA, represented by Chairperson Seo, Jung Eui and Secretary General Esther Penunia. Seo pointed out the need for Asian farmers to unite in the face of WTO and other threats such as free trade […]
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